The Universe Next Door
The Universe Next Door is a program of Apologetics Inc. that seeks to answer your questions on the meaning of life, worldview, and the existence of God.
The Universe Next Door
Did Joshua Make the Sun Stand Still? [Are You Sure You Know Pt. 3]
Send us your Questions and Comments Here
Did the sun stop moving in the sky in Joshua 10, or are we misunderstanding how ancients thought of the sun "standing still"? Does taking a less common view mean you have less faith? Why were Israel's surrounding neighbors so particular about the alignment of stars and planets before battle and how may that play a role in this popular story? Join us for part 3 of our current series: "Are you sure you know what that verse means?"
Send your questions to now for our Q&A coming up this Friday night!
Other Episodes in this series:
You'll be 'as' the stars in heaven:
What Actually Happened at Babel?
Articles referenced:
Walton -
Chavalas -
Good Summary -