The Universe Next Door
The Universe Next Door is a program of Apologetics Inc. that seeks to answer your questions on the meaning of life, worldview, and the existence of God.
The Universe Next Door
A Reminder that Hitler is Evil and Christians Should Recognize It | Richard Weikart
Send us your Questions and Comments Here
Nick Shalna interviews Dr. Richard Weikart on why there has been so much recent talk about Hitler being an "ok guy" and Churchill being the real villain of WWII. Why have young men in the Christian Nationalist movement recently sympathized with the Third Reich? Why has there seemingly been a large effort to rewrite history? How much of the holocaust originated with Hitler and how much originated with (some of) the German population at the time? Why does this matter today?
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Weikarts book suggestions:
Hitlers Religion - Weikart
The Coming of the Third Reich - Three Parts
The Will to Power - Nietchze