The Universe Next Door
The Universe Next Door is a program of Apologetics Inc. that seeks to answer your questions on the meaning of life, worldview, and the existence of God.
The Universe Next Door
The Most Convincing Case for When Jesus Was Born (And it isn't December)
Send us your Questions and Comments Here
While the New Testament does not give an explicit date or any date at all for the birth of Jesus, does it offer clues and insights as to when His birthdate may have been? Is the Christmas holiday really based on pagan myths and legends such as Saturnalia? Is it possible that scholars have been misled by a mistake Josephus made regarding the timing of the reign of Herod?
*The Steinmann article referenced is not in the Public domain so it can’t be posted. However, you can find it here:
The birthdate for Jesus presented originally came from R.L Martin's The Star that astonished the World, which can be read for free here:
Also check out the book Reversing Hermon by Michael Heiser for more detail on this date, plus the meaning of Jesus' birth associated with the flood.
Sorry, I do not think I have the ability to upload the photo of the Rev 12 constellations on September 11, 3 BC to the podcast description. However, they can be found through google search.